Byron Murray

Interview with CC Conrad CEO/Founder of Boobypack

Byron Murray
Interview with CC Conrad CEO/Founder of Boobypack

Tote bags, like fanny packs, have always been equal parts practical, yet uncool. Which is why we tapped our friend CC Conrad at Booby Pack to for a little help in launching our very first Hudson Sutler tote bag. CC is a fellow entrepreneur based here in NYC and is the utmost authority on being PRACTICAL and SEXY, exactly everything we wanted our tote to be.

After years spent tucking her cell phone, credit cards and even apartment keys into her sports bra straps, CC realized there had to be a better way to get her jog on without risking losing her most important possessions...and the Booby Pack was born.

1: What were you doing before booby pack and what got you to take the leap?

I was working as an assistant editor at Time. Inc. So much of my job there had to do with storytelling and creating narratives around well-established brands. It was exciting to work with big name companies but frustrating too as I had to go through 5 different chains of command before publishing something as simple as a Facebook post. When I started Boobypack, the fact that I was able to make branding and marketing decisions quickly, without "approval" was so invigorating. Once we doubled our fundraising goal on Kickstarter I knew I had to give Boobypack a shot and go all in.

2: When you think about to your Shark Tank experience, what stands out how was the behind the scenes with "The Cubes" et. al?

The exhilaration I felt when it was all over is what stands out to me most. The Q&A session actually lasted about an hour even though they cut the footage down to about 8 minutes, so I was really ready to make that deal when the time came. Also- the nervous hives that broke out around my neck. Luckily my blushing problem is fairly predictable so I had about an inch of concealer caked on to hide them.

3: Where on earth is your "happy place"? It can be a beach side destination or a nook in your apartment. Just let us know when why it's your spot.

Currently, my happy place is Hudson River Park, especially if I've brought a chocolate chip cookie from Little Corner Bakeshop with me. :) I have a little dog (Bean) and I walk her along the waterfront there almost every day.

4: Do you have a quirky travel ritual? Like are you a weirdo who brings your own pillow onto the plane?

I realize this might make me sound like a bit of a heifer since I just mentioned LCB's cookie, but my only travel ritual is getting a big mac from McDonald's.

We're stoked to support CC and Boobypack, and should be to. Check them out at